by Nicholas McGill | Books, Resources, Reviews, Writing
FTC Disclosure: Consider each and every link on this site as a commercial relationship or affiliate link, wherein we receive a financial benefit in return for recommending great products we would recommend anyway. Caveat Emptor. TL;DR: If you’re serious about...
by Nicholas McGill | Books, Resources, Reviews, Side Hustles, Writer's Guide, Writing
FTC Disclosure: Consider each and every link on this site as a commercial relationship or affiliate link, wherein we receive a financial benefit in return for recommending great products we would recommend anyway. Caveat Emptor. TLDR – Quit fucking around when...
by Nicholas McGill | Resources, Reviews, Writer's Guide, Writing
FTC Disclosure: Consider each and every link on this site as a commercial relationship or affiliate link, wherein we receive a financial benefit in return for recommending great products we would recommend anyway. Caveat Emptor. TL;DR: If you want to write stories...
by Nicholas McGill | Resources, Writer's Guide, Writing
FTC Disclosure: Consider each and every link on this site as a commercial relationship or affiliate link, wherein we receive a financial benefit in return for recommending great products we would recommend anyway. Caveat Emptor. TL;DR:Most marketers write weak,...