by Nicholas McGill | Books, Field Notes, Lifestyle, Masculinity, Meditations/Reflections, Personal Development, Reviews, Self-Help
FTC Disclosure: We use commercial affiliate links and may receive compensation for any products, services, or books mentioned in our posts. In an era dominated by self-help mantras and viral wisdom, The Let Them Theory has captured the public’s imagination, promising...
by Nicholas McGill | Lifestyle, Lifestyle Design, Masculinity, Personal Development, Uncategorized
In a world teeming with mediocrity and moral decay, the path of the discerning masculine man stands in stark contrast. This isn’t a guide for the faint-hearted or those seeking comfort in the mundane. It’s a blueprint for men who dare to rise above the...
by Nicholas McGill | Business, Entrepreneurship, Masculinity, Personal Development
In life, every interaction is a negotiation. Whether you’re closing a business deal, navigating relationships, or simply trying to get a better price on your morning coffee, your ability to negotiate effectively can make or break your success. Here are ten power...
by Nicholas McGill | Featured, Field Notes, Masculinity, Self-Help, Stuff You Should Know, The Mind
Gospel love is not a passive sentiment; it is an active, transformative force. In a world that often promotes comfort and inaction, men are called to rise up and embody this love in tangible ways. Here are ten powerful ways real men can live out gospel love through...
by Nicholas McGill | Field Notes, Identity, Lifestyle, Masculinity, Personal Development, Self-Help, The Mind
Your true character shows up when the defecation hits the oscillation. The measure of your integrity and commitment to your core values is demonstrated by what you do when things become uncomfortable. Your character is measured by what you value beyond your own...
by Nicholas McGill | Self-Help, Featured, Field Notes, Identity, Journal, Masculinity, Meditations/Reflections, special feature
Whatever level you’re at. Welcome. We all feel lost at times. We all have answers, wisdom, experience, courage, virtues, or even ideals. All of these need to be shared. All of these need to be rejuvenated from time to time. We all yearn to lead and we yearn to...